An Evening With........ Paul Drury
Join us for this exciting opportunity to spend an evening with - PAUL DRURY
Paul will be talking about Volunteering, Social Prescribing and Armed Forces Covenant relaunch to name a few...
This event will be FOC and we hope that it will be the first of many ... please come and network with fellow councillors and clerks and the LALC team as well gaining an insight to several areas of interest that Paul Drury is involved with.
Paul Drury BA (Hons), PGCert (Director & Chair of

Prior to retiring in 2022, Paul worked as the Prevent Officer within the Safer Communities Team for Lincolnshire County Council. He had responsibility for a number of areas, such as lead local authority officer for Prevent, Counter Extremism and Hate Crime. He also Chairs the Community Emergency Cell for the Lincolnshire Local Resilience Forum.
Prior to this role, Paul was the Engagement Officer for Humberside Fire and Rescue Service (HFRS), responsible for ensuring both staff and local communities are kept informed on current developments within the service and consulted on any future proposals within HFRS which may affect them. Working with over 200 community and statutory bodies he is able to use the most appropriate methods of communication to suit the audience, such as the development of the community newsletter, produced in a number of mediums, digital, paper, an audio CD version for visually impaired and a DVD version for hearing impaired.
Paul served with the Royal Air Force as a fire-fighter for 28 years before coming into his first community engagement role in 2003, as the Area Manager for the Goodwin Trust (Hull) community wardens, working in the most deprived areas of the City and then with Hull City Council as a community participation officer and with the East Riding Council as the manager for the Local Action Teams, which encompassed community engagement activities across the council region.