Registrations are closed
Join Us for an enjoyable opportunity for clerks to get together for our end of year Networking Day.
The morning session will be jointly run by LALC and Pam Flint (Lincolnshire Community & Voluntary Service) and will focus on:
Mental health awareness/first aid and next steps; Identifying, managing, and ideas for reducing stress; promoting good mental health in the workplace; self-care and resilience; work-life balance; signposting to organisations and informatin for help; setting personal action plans.
There will be some resources available to take away.
In the afternoon there will be:
LALC session on Clerk & Council Training Development, covering:
Development paths for Clerks (ILCS, FILCA, ILCA to CILCA, CILCA, Community Governance).
Recommended development paths for councillors.
Local Council Award Scheme.
SLCC AGM (Non SLCC members can remain to network and raise any other issues they wish with LALC).
Price per delegate £20 plus VAT.In the afternoon there will be:
LALC session on Clerk & Council Training Development, covering:
Development paths for Clerks (ILCS, FILCA, ILCA to CILCA, CILCA, Community Governance).
Recommended development paths for councillors.
Local Council Award Scheme.
SLCC AGM (Non SLCC members can remain to network and raise any other issues they wish with LALC).