Emergency Planning & Resilience

Registrations are closed
Emergency Planning & Resilience 
Join us for an interesting and informative day.

This will include the resilience programme and how groups and individuals can get involved.
Topics covered will be:
o What is an emergency?
o Who is the LRF
o What is emergency planning
o Emergency plan development
o Training available
-Responder Zero
-Flood awareness
-Operational response
-Rest centre management
-Recovery opportunities
o Ready for Anything Volunteers

Other speakers including the LRF DRONE PILOT explaining the drone's capability during flooding and a representative from BRITISH RED CROSS will be in attendance together with further speakers to be confirmed.

Lunch & Refreshments will be provided.

PLEASE NOTE - For security LALC will require the registration number for each vehicle used by attendees.

Date & Time
16 April 2024
10:00 16:00 Europe/London

Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils

01673 866596
07422 963475

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