General Administration

    To view or download our documents, please click the links below.

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     Safeguarding – Free LCC training – how to register notes 

    NALC Model Code of Conduct

    Declaration of Acceptance of Office 2012

    Model Standing Orders 2018 (England) revised 2020


    Equal Opportunities


    Handling Freedom of Information Requests

    A GDPR toolkit for local councils august 2018

    LALC GDPR Quick Start Guide

    Data Breach Policy

    Data Protection Policy

    Copy of sample_data_map_v1

    Agreement – allotment garden

    Guidance on using the allotment garden tenancy agreement

    Model Risk Management doc

    procurement-toolkit-october-2015  Please use the procurement toolkit alongside LTN 87 as the legislation updated in 2018

    Proposed Strategy for Grants and Loans


    Social Media Policy


    Whistleblowing Policy

    Report template – general

    Health and Safety policy – The law says that employers/companies do not have to have a H&S policy unless they have 5 or more employees.  However, in case of a Parish Council the members count in the same way as an employee and therefore it is recommended that councils have an Health & Safety Policy. A model policy, and guidance, can be found on the HSE website at:

    Health and Safety 

    HSE health and safety model

    Model Complaints Procedure

    Example Training and Development Policy