Legislative Updates

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    L01-20- (Revised) The-Local-Authorities-and-Police-and-Crime-Panels-(Coronavirus)-(Flexibility-of-Local-Authority-and-Police-and-Crime-Panel-Meetings)-(England-and-Wales) Regulations 2020

    Public Bodies Website Accessibility Regulations 2018

    Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities  (with a turnover of under £25,000)

    SI 2015 No. 494  (Regulations and Order – Transparency Code)

    Transparency Code – Authorities over £200,000

    SI 2014 No.2095 – The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014  (Rights of public to film and record meetings/publication of decisions made by officers using delegated powers)

    DCLG Guide  – Open and Accountable Local Government

    SI 2015 No. 5 -The Local Government (Electronic Communications)(England) Order  (Amendment of LGA 1972 to allow for councils to send the meeting summons to members electronically)

    The Children’s Funeral Fund for England: The Children’s Funeral Fund for England (CFF) is a scheme to provide funding for the fees charged for any burial or cremation of a child under the age of 18 or stillborn after 24 weeks of pregnancy. The fund also covers certain associated expenses. Claims can be made for child funerals taking place in England on or after 23 July 2019. All claims must be submitted within 6 months of the date of the funeral. There are no nationality or residency requirements. Funding is available regardless of the income of the child’s parents, guardian or carer. More information can be found at:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/claim-for-costs-of-a-childs-funeral-childrens-funeral-fund-for-england/how-to-claim-for-costs-of-a-childs-funeral?utm_source=Members&utm_campaign=a71f2ba624-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_06_08_03_15_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_206970988f-a71f2ba624-327836217&mc_cid=a71f2ba624&mc_eid=9629be3d36#the-childrens-funeral-fund-for-england-cff